Thursday, 21 July 2011

Human dog x)

Using my Xperia Arc to took these pic :))

Haven been stop blogging for around ten days 

Don't know why ?
Just felt lazy xP

Lots of problem happened 

Argue , gossip
Lol , this is my life -.-

Nehhh ~ Stop caring that .. already past bha :P

Now only a DOGGIE keep barking around me 
My Micky cuter than her .. xD

Oops ! Not only "A" Doggie 
Now add 1 more senka people

The doggie's attitude really only "DOG" can describe her -.-

**Once she meet her new friend then she throw her old friends away 
Even a “Hi" also she didn't say to the old friend whenever she's with her new friend .

After that shake shake ITS tail and find back the old friend again
Find through FB's chat box start to chat with the old friend .

Haha , funny ? :D 

Haih . Sad of her to being a human dog 
Muahahaha xD

I don't care if she know I talk about her
I never care a human dog so much :PP 

I know Im bad enough to said that ,
but no need so kind to treat a human dog that will act don't know you when she with her new owner .

Lots of people agree that she's a human dog too
Not only me : )

I regret not to hear my friend say don't be so close with her

I used to treat her as my sister
 At least she still not that overdose that time

But now ? haih . Speechless of her 

Don't you ever felt tired keep on 讨好 peoples ? -.-

Nevermind lahh , ignored u bha doggie

Remember to treat ur new owner good abit ohh ^_^ 

P/S : 入座 

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