Sunday, 25 September 2011

姐妹,死黨 我沒有

我  竟然乖乖的呆在家

悶悶的 想打給朋友問問今天有出嗎?
才發現 手機沒錢了,打不出了

看看有哪個朋友會打來 邀我出去。

心想` 奇怪  平時不都有電話來問說在哪裡嗄,有沒有下街嗄之類的話
今天並沒有,所以覺得可能今天都沒朋友下街吧 .......


看到朋友在線上   問問看“在哪裡”
原來  已經在外頭開心着 : )

才發現 原來平時都是我打的電話
都是我在問“在哪裡” “有沒有下街”  之類的話

這時候的我  感覺很孤寂
不知怎麼形容  突如其來的感覺

少我一個 不算什麼,一直以來都只有我在擔心身邊的朋友被忽略`被遺忘

傻婆在線上,問她 在嗎? 沒人回應  她在忙,我知道 :  )




Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The pool competition : )

Joined a pool competition , again ! 


回想 ~ x)

凱銘打敗我,我贏了Ronald , the the 1st round .

我們的組別,只有三個人 剛巧 我們都同分數 o.O
所以重打 ,可是!一場定輸贏  沒三場兩勝了 :'(


現在,鼓起勇氣  選擇再參加

對上凱銘! 又來 -.- 還有愛妹

也是三個人一組,意思說如果同分又要重打 /.\

凱銘還拍拍胸口說要炒我零!! * 帶著奸笑 ,2 比 0 比較好聽的說
還是要在面子書上說 =3=

我才不要再次敗給同樣的人,不甘示弱的說  我把你炒燒焦 xD

愛美 Vs 凱銘, 凱銘勝 * 2 比 0
愛美 Vs 我,我勝 * 2 比 1
凱銘 Vs 我,我勝 * 2 比 0

哈哈 ! 凱銘果然被我炒 Hangus ! 2 比 0 ,興奮死我 xp

所以沒壓力了 x)  只是想拾回面子而已 :p

而且,凱銘真的真的很準  可能也因為沒什麼認真的關係吧,因為反正都晉級了
所以 , 下一場加油了 ! ; )

A good news again ,
My dear , Qiqi , ZeMing , Junjie all passed ! 

All must do the best at the next game ya x)

Especially my dear , Don't forget I'll always support you
Must do all the best for the coming competition ya ..... Mwah ! :-*

下一場在星期三進行比賽,各位戰友 做好準備嚕 !! x)

最新的我 :3 

Friday, 16 September 2011

Swimming pool =3



無所事事的 o.O
心血來潮,到 Tiara Hotel 游泳去 ~

呃  .... 玩水就有,我不會游泳啦 =3=
應該說,我們都不會游泳 :p


相機,拖鞋,墨鏡,梳子   -.-"

個人照照 :p

納閩的38,不要對我們的穿著有所批評,Common 泳衣而已 Okay ! : )
這邊的人真的有夠 Sakai 的xp

合照時間 ! 

水中的相片在傻婆那邊,用她電話拍的 x)

個人 * 


個人 * ! :3

My dear ~ The biggest Surprise for me ..

Super 素顏 ! xp

準備回家嚕 ~ ^_^"

跟她一起真的能完全放輕鬆地享受,不用刻意偽裝自己 : )

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Sorry .

In the night of Rain , and the sound of thunder .

With my very down mood

Bad temper , showing out on my face ONCE more . 
The way to speak rudely , out from my mouth ONCE more .

How could I control ? I don't know . 

Sorry , for being so stress to you my dear .
Sorry , for being so rude to you .
Sorry , for leaving you to be alone . 

All is just because of , S O M E T H I N G  

Old picha . 

Sunday, 11 September 2011


Using English language to update this post : )

When I get home today , around 6 o'clock ,
I review the photos of 2010 year , MEMORIES !

Lots of memories in my 2010 years , especially during the looooong holidays :')

I'm lovin' with my 2010 life  , so much .

This is the only photo that I took with all my sweeties . 

Louisa  —— Kimmie —— Emily —— Marsha —— Jennie 

I miss our friendship , but only take those as memories .

We used to stick together everyday , 
yes , USED TO .

Now ? Don't ask me why : )

From sister/lover to become friend . 

Sad of it , but it's a good thing for me at least we won't simply argue anymore . 

These is all about my darling :)

The 2010 year , sweetest photo with her . 
Look kinda like a child in this photo . xp

All about 11th December 2010 * still got lot's of photos with her in 2010 year . 

Started with 2011 , this is the ONLY ONE picture we took together :') 

Cindy , the crazy girl I can enjoy with all the craziness with her .

I mean the girl who can crazy as me when enjoy own self x)
 She accompany all the days during school time since I'd study in the different class with my darling .

Ann Chee _ Qiqi ~ 

She's my dear's "brother's" girl , 
we become more and more closer from 2010 to 2011 year .
She's always SWEET with his boy , used to ENVY  x)

She's Winnie , the hottie .
The strong smoker , cigarette will always stuck in middle of her index finger and middle finger .
Non-stop babeh ~ 

Today am' only gonna share these MEMORIES with you guys :)

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

To you my dearest

小紅來訪  倒霉誒  /.\
止痛藥又不見了   ''上加'黑' !! -.-

痛 啊 ~~ !

最終還是覺得冷靜下來更新我的博格好了  ( =3=' )


———————————————————————————————————♥ ♥ 

A very common word to my darling _ Cheer !  

Never saw you cry so hardly for a guy . 
Never saw you fall for a guy for 9 months .
Never saw you been hurt so deeply . 

Another simple way to say , Never saw you love a guy as deep as HIM .

Really never !

You cry ,  just cry it out loudly .
You sad , give time yourself to cool down .
You mad , just relax don't be so stress to torture yourself .

You're a cheerful girl for me , I felt so weird seeing you become like this .

I don't like to see it seriously , Really  :(

♥ ♥  ——————————————————————————————————


英文不好  詞窮啦 ><

心情  :/

除了小紅造成以外 也因為我視為好姐妹的
她受重傷了, 打擊   非一般人能夠承受得了啊  ( =3= " )

點擊我的 專業    感激萬分啊 : )

Saturday, 3 September 2011


悶 , bored

的確超級無敵他媽的!!  :X

過兩天` 開學了 :O

剛才到 Sapphire 洗頭去 
沒辦法 , 悶起來什麼都想做的 ^__^"

然後打包 KFC 給我寶貝琪琪

蒼白* 病了 ><


我可愛 “Kumu kumu” (Rilakkuma) 的   
Xperia ARC Blingbling Casing RM80 (  Casing + 手工 )

Made by ‘ Cawaii Shop House  ’ <—— 點擊



不只電話套  , 還有賣 水鑽/ 珍珠 / 3D 立體樹脂系列  等等 Bling bling stuff  
能夠買來自己 D.I.Y 啦 ~ :p

裡面的預購衣衣 全場RM25而已  大折扣啦 : )

茜茜 Maju Ent : ))

 好啦 ` 必須準備下出去了 ......... ^__^  

Friday, 2 September 2011


最近新照 ^__^ 

時間啊,過得他媽的快 -.- 


整整半年出,我還搞不懂自己做了什麼有意義的事 ><

我的脾氣丫  真的是
 !!  一天比一天壞  /.\  動不動就亂發脾氣

沒辦法  控制不了啊  囧

上個禮拜  陪媽咪逛逛去了  乖吧 ~ xp


全都都關於腳誒  x)

一眨眼  一個禮拜假期又要過了
天啊 ` 時間果然不等人  :O

一寸光陰 一寸金 ? 哈哈 ......

好啦,在這裡停筆 ` 呃 .... 停打字 xp

別忘了 支持我的專業  n__n