Friday, 6 January 2012

加油 !! 累 (╯3╰)

累累累累累累累累累 !!!! ¯¯


又是一篇遲到的更新 (╯3╰) 最近都差不多一個月左右才甘願更新 

真的擠不出時間來嘛 =3=
而最近都真的很累 >.< 好啦好啦 我知道我每次都一大堆藉口 xD 



第一天嘛 ~ 當然特別勤勞的 :p 
所以七早八早就爬起身了 期待學校會有什麼改變

新的初中一的學生真的是一年比一年個子小誒 =3=

第一天去學校的鬼樣  ¯¯

今年PMR T.T  
不過還好啦 蠻有信心的 不要臨時抱佛腳就行了嘛 ^___^

都不敢看鏡子裡那憔悴的殘樣了 =3=


再忍一下下 幸苦一下下 委屈一下下  
一份耕耘一分收穫 我相信到時的成就感一定能彌補這一切的一切 

加油 !!! 祝我成功 xDD

點擊然後按 "讚"  —— 我的個人專頁

Thursday, 15 December 2011



Finally , the day I waiting was came . 

12th of December . The most memorable day for me 

It's our one year anniversary .

Too bad Im not be with him on the day T.T
I went to KK for dance performance 

Well , it's been a year we'd couple ........

I didn't felt the time pass so fast 
My gosh , really damn fast .

It doesn't matter how long I couple with a guy ,

the most important is , did I really get happiness ?
In this relationship , ya . Im getting much happiness from him : )

Although the past things was bother me all the time
But , what can do ? Already happen and we can't return back . 

So just face it with a smile : )
Remove all the hatred with peoples , to make self feeling batter . 

Hey dear , 
Im not a good girl . 

I can't follow all he things u want me to be by willingly.
I can't only have u in my life , i got friends.
I can't spend all my time with you , i got my own private time to do my things.

And lots of " I CAN'T "

I used to change myself for you , is u don't appreciate the time I changed : )
Never mind , it was past .

At least you made a girl who used afraid so much to be alone
Become a independent girl .
Thank you so much dear .

It's been a long time I didn't upload my blog just for you , sorry for that my dear .

Anyhow , happy anniversary dear :')

Friday, 11 November 2011

It's about ELEVEN ♥

Haaaaaaaallooooooooooo !

好像 .... 很久沒更新了厚 ?  
哈哈 不好意識啦,最近比較忙 :3

兩張新照照 x)

今天是11號,很多人都在討論着關於『11年11月11號』這個日子吧 ?

赫赫,我也不例外 可是的確對我有特別的意義 ^_^


好啦  不賣關子了 :p 其實只是紀念日啦 
不要看小我這個月的紀念日哦 ! 

是我的11個月紀念日 : ) 


很美的日期,我喜歡 ! 

經典照 xD (我超級無敵大素顏

在一起之前的照片,第一張 帶著感覺拍照的照片
也是我 ... 最愛 最愛 的一張 :')

最近滿滿甜蜜的照照 ^.^ 

這 11 個月裡面,什麼都發生過了
忘也忘不了 日子還蠻難過的


謝謝你教會我獨立,堅強   這一切的一切都是你教會我的 :')

下個月就1年了,很快  真的很快 ♥ : )

注意日期時間 這是在 11 年 11 月 11 日 11 點 11 分 PO 的 關於 我的11個月紀念日的文章 



來來來 ... 到裡面按個贊——【 女人街 

順便逛逛 很多女裝時尚衣衣&人氣美鞋

謝啦 ^.^ 

祝大家 11年 11月  11日  快樂哦 ♥

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

It's all about October .....♥

Recently ? Buuuuussssssyyyyyyy !!!

Let you guys know why I say so after word :D

Now is the time to SHOW something xD * It's just SHARE actually : )

TaaaaaaDaaaaa ~ My new heel 
Get it from my dear x)

Forget what is the date , he bought it for me : P 
It's just because of my shoes was broken a little bit , he bought it and give me a surprise .......♥

Love you my dear ~ Mwah ! 

Now he's having sick :( Get well soon my dear ><

我忙的原因嗄 ........

是我在面子書買東西啦,還有 Part time 工作 x)

我的小小店鋪 ——女人街 -->  

遲些會賣更多的女人商品 ^.^

8th October 2011

工作呢 ........ 就是 Part Time Promoter 啦 :3

Promote Honda 

超累的 /.\
用着高跟鞋站12小時  誰受得了? 可憐 =3=

妝要化假睫毛要 !!

沒辦法,做人就是要向看 ! xp

還以為不夠高不能做 =3= 怎麼知道那邊的負責人聯絡我
說很急找 Promoter , 琪琪她丫 又病了 ,所以我代替她嚕 ~


點擊名字,靚女的FB ^.^

我和仙 ~
拍照角度抓不好 ><

兩個妮 , 哈哈  她小名也叫妮啦 ^.^

Mabel 和我,她很可愛厚 :D

來張完整的 ......: )

放工過後,準備換衣服去吃好料 x)

回到家 大睡! 累垮了 =3= 不過丫 是個蠻好的工作經驗 x)